BOOM, baby!!!!
Yeah, I just quoted the Emperor's New Groove. Don't hate.
I have my computer once again!!! Due to a back ordered part, I was without my little guy for nearly four weeks. Insane. Word of the wise to anyone who values their computer work: back up, back up, back up! I was able to retrieve all my information (I'm 94% certain I only lost by Internet bookmarks), but that's not always the case. I'm so happy I have an external hard drive and bunches and bunches of discs laying around!! Anywho, that's all in the past, no need to dwell...still...heavy sigh of relief...
I've been working like crazy to get caught up--possibly even ahead!--and get back on track. I have so many posts to catch up on and I hope to be posting much more often in the coming days, weeks, months, millennium, what have you. Let's get this ball a-rollin!
I met Shauna about a year and a half ago for a make-shift maternity shoot. Even though we had several mishaps during the shoot (we rented a studio that didn't quite hit the head on the nail when it came to accurate descriptions of the equipment and space...) she was a super rockstar and took everything in a stride. Bringing fun new ideas to the table, we had a great *hot, muggy* day. She has since had her little bouncing bundle--with, possibly, the best hair ever--and started her own business. Check it.
Shauna Younge Dessert Tables is...well...super sweet. On all accounts. Shauna has a great eye for detail, crazy people skills, and some super nummy treats which will surely make her new business a blooming success. This table was designed off this inspiration board (borrowed from Shauna's blog)
From gathering visual info from all these aspects, she creates a dessert table that not only incorporates the feel of the wedding/event but also the personalities of the people involved. Genius.

Some of these are hand painted (yes, that's right, hand painted truffles) and custom designed especially for Shauna. She searches high and low to find something unique and fitting for each catered event and she seriously knows her sweets.
Oh, and those purple flower little suckies--located in the stage left--in the square bowl? I had one. And I think it changed my outlook on purple candies forever. Mr. Nick and I both decided that is what the color purple tastes like. Like a rainbow of purple fairies dancing in your mouth. This coming from the girls who dislikes grape Jolly Ranchers, Popsicles, Skittles and all other likenesses. Except juice. I likes the grape juice.
Anywho....continuing on...

Why, hello macaroon tower. Where have you been all my life?

Ok, see the little bitty cookies in the front? They are like Cheetos, Bugles, M&Ms and shoes all rolled into a delicious bite-sized little cookie--there is no way you can have just one.

Thank GOD you're blogging again, I was starting to lose my MIND! (no comment on the lack of posts on MY blog for...aheam...3 months. I'm waiting for inspiration, or something). :-) Can't wait for more posts, pictures, updates, etc.
i love shauna younge. she's so creative. and your photos looks beautiful!
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