After coming down from such a superb three-day weekend it's hard to get back into the swing of things. However, after spending the last three nights sleeping in a tent or elsewhere, getting into a real actual bed was like a tiny little slice of heaven on earth last night. As I sit in the usual coffee hangout this morning, skim-latte within reach, fingers poised for some serious keyboard action, I'm coming up with a bit of a blank. Writer's block, I despise you. Thoughts are swirling in my head, but I fear too much is bouncing around up there to actual spit out and conduce normal sounding sentences bound by a common purpose. Normally, I write for entertainment; yours and mine. Every once and I while I sit down and have to type out anything, something, just to shake the dust of the gears and oil up the thought process. Gotta start somewhere. Here goes nothing, Internet!
In high school, the Heinricy's were like my second family. I had no problem digging in the fridge to pull out a Mt. Dew or snag myself a fudgy from the freezer. Kandra and I have known each other since kindergarten (aahhhhh, the fateful meeting over a box of crayons. I had the 12 pack. She had the box of 64 delicious colors, complete with sharpener. It was friendship at first draw). As a mother's day gift, Kandra gave her mom a family session--ahem, great idea, people! :-) We hung out around Nfld and got some good posed shots and some even better ones of 'real life' family love.

I LOVE that last one of the three girls, so cute!
Thanks Tricia had a good time and you did a super job, love the pictures of the girls and their dad, can see how much they adore him. Thanks again
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