After a picnic in the park, complete with sandwiches, Goldfish crackers, lemonade and bits of grass plucked especially for us by baby girl, we walked over to A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village. It was honestly a toss up between the three of us as to who was really enjoying themselves more. We went from room to room exploring bubbles, the human stomach, dinosaur bones, lights, music, echos, name it, chances are quite high that we experienced it. One of the best children's museums I have been to; if you're ever in the Salem area with the kiddos, I highly recommend checking it out!
I'll be coming back next week and will have families to post, babies to show off and a slew of engagements on the agenda so stay tuned for 'life after vacation'.
picnic in the park

Em and I thought the bubbles were the best...

Baby girl dressed up like a dino in the rainforest. Oooooooo, scary!!!

Still not sure how this worked as we're pretty sure it wasn't a thermal sensor, but it was super cool! I'm on the right, baby girl is next to me with a hula hoop and Em...did not make the cut in this one. Whoops!

Went outside and tangled ourselves in the 'spider web'.

...and went for a little drive...

Checked out the mini train

She even crossed her legs, mimicking me. Stellar!

Yep, it was a fun day.

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