I’ve been working hard the past couple weeks at getting my website up and live. It’s been a crazy, time consuming project, but I’m really enjoying being able to study my images and think of new ideas and where I see my work and career in five years. As I mused about life (past, present, and forthcoming) over my caffeinated goodness, I decided this post would be a personal affair; giving credit, thanks and praise to my favorite things.
There is the standard list of my favorite things which would feature happenings such as line-dried laundry, sunsets and rises, bright colored Sharpie markers, Hillshire Farm and Real Men of Genius commercials, nephews, getting up before the alarm, the buns (speaking about Thor and Kujoe, not sir-mix-alot topics), bonfires, coffee, oversized sweatshirts, volleyball, late night philosophical conversations, rainy mornings, sunny afternoons and anything homemade from the roommates. But…every post is just that much better with a photo, right? Without further ado, I present my top three favorite things:
Yep, I am a mover and a shaker. Being in one place for too long does not suite me nor my spirit so I find that going someplace new not only helps me become more motivated when I return, but also provides inspiration and zest for things yet to come. Plus, it’s way fun to go some place new and explore. Wicked.
(a few of the best places I've been)

Mr. Nick.Quite possibly my most favorite of all my favorite things (he totally knows this cause I say it to him all the time). I don't believe I've ever mentioned him in a blog this far, but we've only been together for a few years, so cut me some slack. (wink, wink). A very big high-five to the guy who can always make me laugh, never tells me to hurry up (what’s the point when we both know we’re gonna be late anyway), shoots me texts just because, fixes the cords my rabbits chew thru (two phone chargers, an electric skillet, an extension cord and soon to fix my computer mouse cord—why do they chew EVERYTHING!?), hangs out with me for no particular reason, lets me be myself and basically just rocks my world. Hoo-ya. (The most favorite of all my favorite things also came up with the PERFECT gift for his lady friend’s special day. What a rockstar.) ☺

Can’t wait to see what the next 25 years have in store and Jen I sincerely hope it holds more than just an opportunity to become an AARP member. ;-)

Who would have guessed that would be my one of my favorites? It’s true though. I had this amazing epiphany a few days ago that I am absolutely in the right job. I love talking with other photographers, I can’t wait to get my hands on the monthly magazines that come to my doorstep, I have dreams about poses and locations (no joke), and I just get so pumped when I have a shoot coming up or have photos to edit. It is seriously the best feeling to know that I enjoy what I do and I do what I enjoy. Rock it! Strangely enough, right along with photography comes another favorite (a two-for-one, if you will)…
I have some of the best friends and family anyone could ever ask for. They have been there for me through more things than I would have ever thought possible and I love them all so much. Sure, on occasion we argue, bury each other in seaweed, start the occasional chocolate or flour fight, get into a bit of mischief with hidden Kailua bottles or almost get thrown out of casinos, but who doesn’t have the hilarious ‘Remember the time when…’ story to tell?

Mr. Nick.

Can’t wait to see what the next 25 years have in store and Jen I sincerely hope it holds more than just an opportunity to become an AARP member. ;-)
This is my most favorite post ever :) Happy birthday!!
The pics are great but sheesh I sure love being the chopped liver of the lens!!
Love ya
where the heck am I in all your photos. I thought I was your favorite aunt!!!!
Auntie Cindy!!!
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