In the Baumberger's case, this is most certainly true. It was a surprise for Grandpa Geno's 70th birthday and almost the entire family was able to make it for a weekend of camping, paintballing, fishing and all-things-lakeside. They had a beautiful weekend for it, I'm so thrilled that I was able to get some family shots! These guys were hilarious, cracking jokes, egging each other on...they were all so great to take photos with I ended up hanging around a bit afterward, too!!
On another note, I learned a very important lesson that weekend. ALWAYS check your driving route for unplanned construction. I knew the way to the cabin fairly well...I mean, this wasn't my first rodeo! :-) Apparently, there is ongoing construction on 35w all the way through Faribault and I didn't figure this out until there was absolutely NO opportunity to exit the freeway. Sweet. Anywho, after leaving my house early and excited to actually be well ahead of schedule for once (I planned on cruising down and taking a bit of the scenic route), I showed up 43 minutes late. No joke. But, that's another thing that's great about this family--they were having so much fun playing bean bags and hanging out, that they barely noticed my absence (and those who did notice were more than gracious--THANK YOU!!)
The guy next to me was reading a magazine so I though, what the heck, and busted out the camera. It helped to pass the time...

Yeah, there was actually this much traffic on 35W just outside of Faribault...the end was NOT in sight...

But I finally made it!!!

This one makes me laugh (I love photos like this!)

I love these!! Yeah :)
hmmm, one girl in plaid shorts looks oddly familiar. i think i've met her somewhere before. ;)
great pics, as always. i'll definitely be following the blog.
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