
he's just that kinda kid

When I was in high school, I owed (or rather, my parents did) a 1984 navy blue fully-loaded-with-nothing-automatic Buick LeSabre complete with a center console that didn't close, a temperamental seat belt, non-functioning tape deck (yep. T.A.P.E.) and a trunk that leaked water in when it rained. I sported a film Minolta camera that had seen better days, but still rocked my world. And that was about it for my technologies and material toys. Apparenlty, I'm easily contentable. Yeah. I made that word up.

So, color me a bit more than amused when I met Cole. It's not every day that a high school senior owns and operates his own semi truck. And a new pewter Chevy with a lift and tinted windows (just to name a few slick features). And a Harley. Oh, yeah. A snowmobile, too. ;-) The best part is, this kid works, goes to school, is taking college courses and still has time to play. He's just that kind of kid.

Cole--so glad you were such a good sport as we all heckled you from behind the lens. And threw acorns. And threatened Vaseline. You have obvious drive and a zest for life of which I hope you never lose. Rock the heck out of your senior year and enjoy everything life throws at you. I know you will. You're just that kind of kid.








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