It's the place you turned to first when you had a bad dream. It was warm, inviting and always held the scent of sleep and comfort. The place you'd want to play while mom was putting laundry away and the place where it seemed like you could jump and touch the sky. Where books were read, cuddles were an everyday occurance and there was no such thing as an alarm clock.
A place where only good dreams slip into your mind and all the worlds troubles seem to fade away.
Laughter and giggles, happy thoughts and warm fuzzies.
It's your parents bed.
And introducing little Jack!!!
The hat is hand crafted by Jen at Angel Wear by Jen
Seriously, how cute is it!?
The girls posed themselves for this shot-I honestly had nothing to do with it.

Just Jack.
Both the hat and the cuddle bag were hand knit with much love by my Nana (Jack's Nana-Great).
And, yes, I'll eventually be getting more Alaska photos up here!!!! Soon soon, I promise promise!
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