
Aliina ❤ Drew

I had a bit of some unexpected dental work done a few weeks ago.

Yep, it's that kind of story.

Assured that I wouldn't be in much pain after the procedure was over, they shot me full of Novocain (twice) and began. A very rough 2 hours later, my dentist was apologizing to me and, as the nurse walked me to the door, she admitted that she was getting a bit squimish herself, something that very rarely happens to her. Thinking to myself that there must be a silver lining somewhere I asked the dentist what I should take for the pain. He wrote me a prescription. And hello silver lining!

After quickly downing two of the little capsules of heaven, I read the directions (it's how I roll). DO NOT DRIVE. Big, bold letters. Uh-oh.

Aliina, Drew and I have rescheduled over 5 times due to weather, traffic and unexpected events. I was not about to cancel again. So the choice was obvious.

Mom to the rescue.

I met Drew for the first time chock full of mellow painkillers in the passenger seat of my mom's LeSabre, floating on cloud nine. If that doesn't scream professional photographer, I don't know what does.

Thank you both for being so understanding through all the rescheduling and sublime cloud I was in during the shoot. :-) Simply beautiful. 








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