


I remember when I was in 3rd grade and we had to draw a picture of what we thought the world would be like in the year 2000...I think mine summed up to be something like spaceships and flying discs, people living on the moon and underwater. Obviously. Life hasn't progressed quite like my 3rd grade imagination predicted, thank heavens.

I have had a great year and was somewhat sad to see 2009 come to an end. It will forever be the year that I welcomed my second nephew into our family. The year I graduated from college (again) and the year I started my very own business. Raise the roof. It will be forever in my self as the year I finally figured out what I want to do with my life and were I really found not just a job, but a career. That I love.

Thank you all for such a great year. My goal this month is to get all caught up on my blogging, so stay tuned for October (yeppers, you read that correctly), November, December and beyond.

Welcome 2010!


Holiday Ordering and tid bits of info

Hello and happy mid-December!!!

Things have been CA-RAZY for me these past few weeks--as can be seen in my lack of blogging.
Any last minute holiday photo orders 
(This is not a drill people!)
After that--orders will not be placed until 2010!!!!!!


I'm really going to get back to blogging. I'm not joking, I will. Soon. 
I still have stuff from OCTOBER (yeah, as in two months ago) to chat about. Stay tuned.

For now--how cute is little Piper?! Wow-zas!
(there will be more of this session later. Trust me.)







Is not my style nor is it my outlook on life. Ha, for that matter it isn't my life. Period. But isn't it such a sweet sounding word?

Anywho, I just finished editing my first session with my new camera and I'm all goo-goo eyes and lollypops with it. I mean, seriously. Hands down sweet-arse purchase!!! I had to call Mollie right away and tell her the images of her B•E•A•U•T•I•F•U•L daughter were ready. Perhaps I shouldn't be sharing this, but as a person quite critical of her own craft, there are very, ver-ahy rare times when I am over the top, excited as all can be, pleased-as-punch with what I designed, created, imagined. If I über adore more than a handful of images from one session, my clients are destined to enjoy four times that many. It's like a weird twist of fate or something...don't ask me. I'm not a scientologist. When I started to process the images of little Ella, I knew this was going to be one of those times where I would power through all the images at once for the sole purpose of enjoying the end result. All to myself. With my bowl of peanut M&Ms as my guide.

I hope you enjoy as well.

These are all almost 100% natural light. My favorite kind of light to shoot in...rock it.


love it!

The photo behind her is of big brother Keegen at her age...they look identical...awesome...




