
Something old...

...is this blog. So I've decided to say a fond farewell to this site that's gotten me so far in my life and my business in the past two years and move onto something new! Please follow me on my brand spanking new blogsite here: sweetshibui.com/blog!

I will no longer be updating this blog--so scoot on over here and I'll see on the flip side!!!


a beautiful thing

I met Abbie and Mike at Minnehaha Falls Park--yet another reason why it's so great to meet my clients at new locations. The park offered so many different photo opportunities, it was fantastic! It was one of our first gorgeous days of summer and people were out in force taking advantage of the beautiful weather. We were no exception.

Abbie and Mike: So great to hang out with you guys and get to know you better. I'm super pumped for your wedding in October (especially since we get to meet the entire family the week before-yay!-), this summer is just going to fly by.....!





